and the anchor chart-- along with a great read aloud , Emma's Turtle, by Eve Bunting. This book was an excellent example of an animal making inferences!!
We discussed different emotions that people have and clues that people give that show they might be feeling out these emotions. They absolutely LOVED acting these out. The power point game and lots of other activities are found here. Scroll down to the bottom of the link's page for a complete list of activities and resources.
We are beginning our Social Studies unit on Exploration and Christopher Columbus is a major explorer. In the reading series we have, LBD, there is a read aloud about Christopher Columbus. I read the text and we made inferences about his character based on what we had read and our own schema. Needless to say, Christopher Columbus has a very positive persona.... for now.
That will change when I read Pedro's Journal and Encounter, though. (that will be a future blog)
The kids have really enjoyed making inferences about pictures they see-- I am helping out the science teacher as I reinforce quantitative observations and qualitative observations. Then we discuss our own schema about what we know about the items, people or events in the picture, and lastly, the inference about what is happening in the picture and how the characters are feeling. I have found some amazing picture prompts -- and they are even great for writing dialogue or short stories. As I pull for small groups this week, I am working with my really low students on their writing. The picture prompts have been a great spring board for writing dialogue and adding that dialogue to stories they are all ready writing about the pictures. I can hardly wait to see their finished products! I only wish I had 30 more minutes for each of my classes for ELA time....
I realize this was a bit over due-- I have really been trying not to "rush" the reading skills and to make sure I make them pertinent to the social studies. While doing inferencing, I have found these other resources that are completely free-- and worth your time to investigate-
Inference cards
Tons of Task Cards!
Inference: Setting Day or Night? I loved doing this one in groups and let them discuss in their groups where each card should be be classified...
As I slide into character traits next week, (I love how inferencing is used for determining character traits of characters--) I will hopefully be more timely about blogging. (How do some of those hard core bloggers do it? I seem to blog once a month, and I still can't get all my papers graded, keep my on-line grade book up to date or my house clean! I may need some advice....)